Oh. A piece of advice for maintaining your piece of mind. Don't go to a car mechanic if you have got a broken car. Because they will tell you that. And withhold the keys until you agree to get the issues fixed. With the annual inspector guy you can negotiate. But not with a competent mechanic. So... Had to call into office, telling them that I'm prolonging my vacation until unknown date. It's called 'force majeure' in the contract.
Hungary, Budapest. After car accident, boys are looking how car is doing. This dude in front is hitchhiker who we took from Latvia (?). Still holding his thumb up although we were already in his homecountry. You see, human brain tends to forget stuff. It's been 3 months since we started this trip and some things I already forgot or have false memory. Still, it's nice to look at summer photos today, because there was first snow in Estonia already! Drinking beer with my boys in Villa Succa Nice bed of Bobby's Went to beach with boys. I really don't know whats written there, but this last word catched my attention: TERÜLETERE! Sent it to my estonian friend who immediately understood: "tere" is estonian for "hello" and hungarian people speak gögözszmögözs language, so it must be "tere" in hungarian! Our first meal in Italy. Italy. If people don't hang their clothes like this, you are probably not in Italy. ...
Oh. Customs in the Ukrainan border say that car registration and driver passport must be the same country. And wouldn't let me enter the country because the car is UK and I'm with Finnish passport. Something else then.
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